I hope everyone had a great summer. It really flew by! We took advantage of it though. Last year at this time we were in the hospital from early morning until late at night so we barely saw the sun. This summer my husband and I said we were going to be out enjoying it as much as we can. I know Colorado is known for skiing but the summer here is so beautiful! We got to go to Vail a few times which was gorgeous in the summer. We can't wait to see it this winter. Luckily Andrew is a great traveller. He does well on airplanes and the car.
My little guy standing |
I tried to post a video on here but it wasn't working. The video was of Andrew crawling! Yup my little guy is all over the house now. The baby the docs told me might be paralyzed. He is so amazing!!! He is pulling himself up to standing too. The physical therapist thinks it is only a matter of weeks before he is walking. I really can't believe it. He really has come so far. One of the other things I was worried about was how affectionate he would be because he was in the NICU for so long. He was hooked up to all of those wires/machines and he couldn't be held like normal babies. However, I'm so happy to report he is very affectionate. Even when he is playing he will stop, crawl over and give me a hug. At physical therapy we always have to have "hug timeouts". After each exercise he wants to give me a hug. I love it!! I'm treasuring it because I'm sure with little boys it doesn't last all that long.
I hope everyone has a good week!!